Welcome to my site!

Over the years, I've always found myself working on various projects, for school, for others, for enjoyment and for myself...

I've dabbled in video editing, photo manipulation, audio mixing, podcast creation, game editing, storytelling, roleplaying & a host of other things I find entertaining.

Here I present my projects, both past and present. Have a look around; use the categories above to sort through various project types. As I rummage through my digital clutter and create new stuff, I'll continue updating this site. Comment if you want, and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

SpiderMitch History

At a very early age, I loved Spider-man.  When a local comic shop put on an event where Spider-man was going to have a personal appearance, I couldn't wait!  I drug my mom out of the house so early, we were there before the comic store opened.  While we were waiting, a very big storm came about, and while the store still opened, nobody else showed... That is, except for Spider-man!!!  What I got was a one-on-one encounter with my hero!  He put me on his shoulders and walked around the comic shop, posed for photos with me & signed my shirt...  I scanned this pic in high school & found it when going through some old floppies.  If I find more from that fateful day, I'll be posting them here.

So, a while back a friend of mine took a picture without me knowing it, and pasted my head over a picture of Spider-Man from the first movie.  He then plastered this picture of me around the office when it was my birthday, with the words "Happy B-Day, Spider-Mitch" on it.  People in the office started calling me SpiderMitch and it kinda stuck.

A while later, I decided to register the domain, and change my online handle from SpiderVenom to SpiderMitch.  Can I swing from a web?  No I can't.  I'm just Mitch.  :P

What's a Spider-Mitch without a little Venomitch.  Wait... That sounds like some kind of horrible jock-itch...

Despite the crazy dance-routines in Spider-man 3, I actually did like some of the iconic scenes featured in the movie.

Decided on an update, since the new movie was coming out & the costume changed.

Silly Seasonal Changes
I quickly modified the main black SpiderMitch picture for a silly seasonal look.  The hats don't match at all, and that's the fun!  Figured I'd put them here for completion.  I had another little javascript that made the rain actually animate and I changed it to fireworks during New Years & snow at Christmas.  Like I said, just some little thing I did back-in-the-day for fun. :P
SpiderMitch.com on New Years

SpiderMitch.com on Christmas

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